Agaricus pseudovillaticus    Rauschert 

common name(s) : Clustered Mushroom 

New classification: Basidiomycota/Agaricomycotina/Agaricomycetes/Agaricomycetidae/Agaricales/Agaricaceae  
Former classification: Basidiomycota/Homobasidiomycetes/Agaricomycetideae/Agaricales/Agaricaceae/Agariceae  

synonyms: Agaricus vaporarius, Psalliota vaporaria, Agaricus cappellianus 

edibility : edible

potential confusions with  Agaricus pseudovillaticus toxicity of Agaricus pseudovillaticus genus Agaricus  

The cap is dirty brown to tobacco brown, on a paler background. The cap surface is scaly, not viscid nor sticky.

The flesh is white, turning slowly red when exposed to air; its taste is nutty; the odour is mushroomy; its texture is fibrous.

The gills are free, crowded . The spore print is brown. This species is saprophytic. It grows on the ground.

The fruiting period takes place from July to November.
Dimensions: width of cap approximately 11 cm (between 7 and 15 cm)
  height of stem approximately 10 cm (between 6 and 15 cm)
  thickness of stem (at largest section) approximately 35 mm (between 15 and 50 mm)

Chemical tests : no reaction to Schaeffer's test.

Distinctive features : growing under the surface to emerge one flattened; flesh turning weakly red; brown scales in concentric bands under the ring in young specimens; stem tapering towards base, deeply rooting

Agaricus pseudovillaticus is still unreported so far in the forest of Rambouillet, and is quite rare, more generally speaking .

page updated on 14/01/18