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Cabbage Parachute
Caesar's Mushroom
Camembert Brittlegill
Candelabra Coral
Candle Snuff
Candlesnuff Fungus
Carnation Earthfan
Carrot Milkcap
Carroty False Truffle
Cat Dapperling
Cat Parasol
Cauliflower Coral Fungus
Cauliflower Fungus
Cedar Cup
Cedarwood Waxcap
Cellar Cup
Changeable False Morel
Charcoal Burner
Charcoal Cup
Charcoal Eyelash
Charcoal Goldeneye
Charcoal Pholiota
Chemical Knight
Chestnut Bolete
Chestnut Brittlestem
Chestnut Dapperling
Chicken Mushroom
Chicken of the Woods
Chicken Run Funnel
Cinnabar Bracket
Cinnabar Oysterling
Cinnabar Polypore
Cinnabar Powdercap
Cinnabar Webcap
Cinnamon Bracket
Cinnamon Cortinarius
Cinnamon Jellybaby
Cinnamon Navel
Cinnamon Porecrust
Cinnamon Webcap
Citrine Waxcap
Clinker Polypore
Cloaked Webcap
Close Amanita
Close Deceiver
Clouded Agaric
Clouded Ear
Clouded Funnel
Cloudy Tricholoma
Club-foot Funnel Cap
Club-shaped Cordyceps
Club Foot
Clumped Agaric
Clustered Bonnet
Clustered Bracket
Clustered Brittlestem
Clustered Domecap
Clustered Mushroom
Clustered Pine Bonnet
Clustered Toughshank
Coconut Milkcap
Coconut Scented Milk Cap
Coldfoot Bonnet
Collared Earthstar
Collared Fibrecap
Collared Mosscap
Collared Parachute
Common Morille
Common Bird's Nest
Common Bonnet
Common Brain Fungus
Common Cavalier 1
Common Cavalier 2
Common Conecap
Common Earthball
Common Eyelash
Common Fieldcap
Common Funnel
Common Glasscup
Common Grey Disco
Common Grisette
Common Ink Cap
Common Inkcap
Common Jelly Spot
Common Jellypot
Common Mazegill
Common Milk Cap
Common Puffball
Common Rustgill
Common Stump Brittlestem
Common Tarcrust
Common White Helvella
Common White Inocybe
Common Yellow Russula
Cone-capped Agaric
Conical Brittlestem
Conical Morel
Conical Wax Cap
Conifer Blueing Bracket
Conifer Brain
Conifer Disco
Conifer Mazegill
Conifer Roundhead
Conifer Scalycap
Conifer Shield
Conifer Toughshank
Conifer Tuft
Conifer Woodtuft
Conifercone Cap
Contorted Pipe Club
Contrary Webcap 1
Contrary Webcap 2
Copper Brittlegill
Copper Spike
Coppice Tricholoma
Coral Brittlegill
Coral Spot
Coral Tooth
Corda Corn Smut
Cornflower Bolete
Cowberry Redleaf
Cowpat Gem
Crab Brittlegill
Crackling Agrocybe
Cramp Balls
Crazed Cap
Cream Brittlegill
Cream Pinkgill
Cream Webcap
Crested Coral
Crested Coral Fungus
Crimped Gill
Crimson Bolete
Crimson Waxcap
Crow Pinkgill
Crowded Brittlegill 1
Crowded Brittlegill 2
Crowned Earthstar
Crowned Roundhead
Crumble Tuft
Cryptic Bonnet
Cucumber Cap
Cultivated Mushroom
Cup-shaped Brain Fungus
Cupped Ear
Curry Milkcap
Curry Scented Milk Cap
Cushion Bracket

page updated on 14/01/18