Hypholoma fasciculare    (Huds.:Fr.) P.Kumm. 

common name(s) : Sulphur Tuft, Sulfur Tuft 

New classification: Basidiomycota/Agaricomycotina/Agaricomycetes/Agaricomycetidae/Agaricales/Strophariaceae  
Former classification: Basidiomycota/Homobasidiomycetes/Agaricomycetideae/Cortinariales/Strophariaceae  

synonyms: Geophila fascicularis, Naematoloma fasciculare, Nematoloma fasciculare, Hypholoma fascicularis, Psilocybe fascicularis 
(unconfirmed synonyms: Nematoloma fasiculare, Hypholoma fasciculare-monstruosum)  

edibility : poisonous

photo gallery of  Hypholoma fasciculare
photo gallery of  Hypholoma fasciculare potential confusions with  Hypholoma fasciculare toxicity of Hypholoma fasciculare genus Hypholoma  

The cap is bright sulphur yellow, orange-red in the centre, convex, campanulate then flat, with a more or less noticeable umbo; its margin is often with yellow veil remnants. The cap surface is smooth, not viscid nor sticky.

The stem is sulphur yellow, darker at the base, with a ring zone or cortina.

The flesh is yellow, unchanging; its taste is very bitter; the odour is faint of slightly of iodine; its texture is fibrous.

The gills are yellow then dark brown, with green shades, adnate, crowded (nb of gills per 90° ~ 40 ). The spore print is purple brown. This species is saprophytic. It grows on wood (also on the ground, on buried wood), in tufts, more frequently on deciduous stumps, but also on conifers.

The fruiting period takes place all year long.
Dimensions: width of cap approximately 5 cm (between 1 and 9 cm)
  height of stem approximately 7 cm (between 3 and 13 cm)
  thickness of stem (at largest section) approximately 7 mm (between 2 and 10 mm)

Chemical tests : none.

Distinctive features : gills with greenish tinge; very close; non sticky cap cover; yellow flesh; in tufts on stumps or roots

Hypholoma fasciculare is very frequent and very widely present in the forest of Rambouillet, and is very frequent, more generally speaking .
here should be the distribution map of Hypholoma fasciculare in the forest of Rambouillet
Above : distribution map of Hypholoma fasciculare in the forest of Rambouillet

page updated on 14/01/18