Rickenella fibula    (Bull.:Fr.) Raitelh. 

common name(s) : Orange Mosscap, Orange Nail Fungus 

New classification: Basidiomycota/Agaricomycotina/Agaricomycetes/Incertae sedis/Hymenochaetales/Repetobasidiaceae  
Former classification: Basidiomycota/Homobasidiomycetes/Agaricomycetideae/Tricholomatales/Tricholomataceae/Tricholomatoideae  

synonyms: Omphalia fibula, Mycena fibula, Omphalina fibula, Gerronema fibula 

edibility : inedible

photo gallery of  Rickenella fibula
photo gallery of  Rickenella fibula potential confusions with  Rickenella fibula toxicity of Rickenella fibula genus Rickenella  

The cap is yellow-orange, fading with age. The cap surface is smooth, not viscid nor sticky.

The stem is pale orange, without ring.

The flesh is pale orange, unchanging; its taste is mild; the odour is mushroomy; its texture is fibrous.

The gills are yellowish-whitish, decurrent, distant . The spore print is white. This species is saprophytic. It grows on the ground, amongst moss or damp short grass of meadows or forests.

The fruiting period takes place all year long.
Dimensions: width of cap approximately 0.8 cm (between 0.3 and 2 cm)
  height of stem approximately 5 cm (between 1.5 and 10 cm)
  thickness of stem (at largest section) approximately 1.5 mm (between 1 and 2 mm)

Chemical tests : none.

Distinctive features : Very small species, with a very long and thin stem, funnel-shaped striate yellow orange cap and decurrent gills

Rickenella fibula is occasional and widely present in the forest of Rambouillet, and is frequent, more generally speaking .
here should be the distribution map of Rickenella fibula in the forest of Rambouillet
Above : distribution map of Rickenella fibula in the forest of Rambouillet

page updated on 14/01/18